It's hard to complain about a stay at Childrens Hospital when you get to leave with a healthy child, but I'm an expert complainer so I can just run right over that difficulty.
Is there anything worse than a hospital stay? I've been through it with both of my children now, and I've learned that a hospital overnight basically consists of being told by people that, "Rest is going to be the best thing so make sure everyone gets a lot of it!" and then being woken up every 25 minutes by the same people who gave you that order.
Our poor baby was so disconcerted by her metal hospital
Since we could not get comfy, my husband, Evie and I ended up playing an exhausting game of musical chairs all night between the couch/bed, rocking chair, crib and the floor. Yes, at one point I woke up and my husband was on the cold, hard hospital floor. It was probably good for his back though, right? He's so selfish, I can't believe he was thinking about his back right then.
Her surgery was early in the morning, and by that night she was inconsolable because she was so overtired. She could not settle herself and I think she was sick of being held so that didn't make her happy either. Finally at 2am I pulled a Shirley MacLaine in Terms of Endearment and started screaming "My daughters in pain, she needs her pills, GET MY DAUGHTER HER PILLS!".
Here is Shirley MacLaine playing me when I felt my daughter needed more Tylenol with codeine.
That method of crazy proved quite effective (thanks, Shirley!) and she was given some pain meds that finally knocked her out. When they came in at 4am wanting to wake her I met them at the door and tackled them to the floor.
Needless to say, they were happy to discharge us the next day.
That's all for now kids. Tomorrow maybe I'll tell you how I almost broke my husbands foot and called the police on my sister all in one day!